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All properties »用兔子IP实现不同虚机模拟器不同IP玩转抖音养号推广方法 ...:2021-6-3 · 用兔子IP实现不同虚机模拟器不同IP玩转抖音养号推广方法 日期:2021-06-03 来源: www.tuziip.com 作者:tuziip 浏览: 7 评论:0 核心提示:用兔子IP实现不同虚机模拟器不同IP玩转抖音养号推广方法用换ip软件玩转抖音短视频?短视频营销已经成为营销的新宠,所伡很多商家
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new rings: Three additions
Recently added three new rings to fill gaps. The reasons they were added are in their names: one, two, three.
new ring: Right-not-left free ideal ring
JeremyRickard suggested an example of a right free ideal ring that does not satisfy the ACC on left principal ideals.
new ring: the Toeplitz-Jacobson algebra
Thanks dbossaller for the excellent example of a ring which has IBN but is not Dedekind finite.
New ring: Cozzens' simple left PID
This example due to Cozzens is often cited as showing how much asymmetry is possible in simple rings.
new theorem: Did you know...
Commutative von Neumann regular rings are characterized by the fact that their polynomial ring over a single variable is semihereditary? That is the content of this theorem of Camillo.
new ring: Almost-but-not-quite-Dedekind
Added an example of an almost Dedekind ring which isn't Dedekind. In particular it has Krull dimension 1, all of its localizations are Noetherian, but it itself is not Noetherian.
New ring: asymmetry of PF
This is a ring which is one-sided pseudo-Frobenius. The construction is involved, and not complete yet. Also, if you had any trouble visiting the theorems section recently, please try again. I fixed a bug there.
new ring: Asymmetry of principally injective
This is an example of a ring which is one-sided principally injective.
New rings: V domains
Added this ring and this ring, examples of simple right V domains, which I hear are pretty rare.
Site news: Ring maps
I posted a few graphs of implications between ring properties. This is the first time I've regenerated the graphs in a long time, so there are probably problems. Please let me know if you find any. Thanks!